The Mabit [!ספר בית אלקים פרק ט"ז עיי"ש] writes that even is someone is NOT supposed to die, there was no decree on him from Rosh Hashana - if there is a plague and he is not careful, he might die.
So saying that whoever is supposed to die, will die no matter what, so we don't have to be careful is not true.
A certain Gadol gathered a minyan before he died and told them that it is HIS FAULT that he is dying, because he smoked and that he has the status [to a certain extent] of a person who committed suicide. [Related by Rav Moshe Shternbuch in his Tshuvos Vi-hanhagos].
A certain Gadol gathered a minyan before he died and told them that it is HIS FAULT that he is dying, because he smoked and that he has the status [to a certain extent] of a person who committed suicide. [Related by Rav Moshe Shternbuch in his Tshuvos Vi-hanhagos].