One of the most heated topics in Israel is the question of drafting Yeshiva Bochrim.
Obviously there is so much to say but I would like to make one point.
Charedim believe - rightly or wrongly, but this is what they believe - that it is against their religion [known as Judaism] to serve in the army. They are backed by the biggest experts in religion - the Roshei Yeshiva!
The irony is lost on people that in the State of Israel, there is a call by a large swath of the population [and the majority of government] to forcibly compel people to act against their religion [known as Judaism]. Part of the idea of the State of Israel was to give Jews a place to practice their Judaism freely, unlike what we experienced during much of our tortured exile.
To quote the Israeli Declaration of Independence:
"מדינת ישראל... תבטיח חופש דת, מצפון, לשון, חינוך ותרבות; תשמור על המקומות הקדושים של כל הדתות"