I will share a personal story with you [I am told by my critics that I am too open but that is my nature and I don't believe it is healthy to suppress ones nature. So I risk more criticism, but so be it.]
I was in high school about 23 years ago [I AM OLD!!]. One day, I disappeared from school. Just like that. Disappeared. Nobody knew where I went. I knew. My family knew. But in school nobody knew. In my grade I had over 100 boys and almost all of them knew me. I was never one of the quiet ones [except when I sleep:)]. [Where I went is not important but the happy ending is that I prematurely found my way to Yeshiva in Israel where I remain to this day. Maybe one day I will get a job but I hope not:):).]
How many boys in my class took the trouble to call and find out where I was, how I was, etc?
Just one. [To the best of my knowledge.]
How many girls in my grade called?
Not even one.
But that is understandable. I went to an all boys school....
Why didn't anyone else take an interest or tell me I was missed? I suspect the reason was because they weren't interested and didn't miss me.
Am I bitter?
Mamesh no!!!:)
Human nature. People generally don't get up in the morning and think to themselves - "How can I make someone feel cared for today." Human nature. People generally are very focused on themselves. We have a word for this in english. Egotism.
Many years later I was learning in a certain Yeshiva and somebody I was acquainted with would disappear for long periods of time. I didn't pick up the phone. I suspect most of the others in the Yeshiva didn't either. Only years later did I find out how important it was that I had called.
But I didn't.
Now I regret it in ways I can't describe for reasons I can't go into. I didn't learn a lesson from what happened to ME!
So that you will pick up the phone and show someone you care. Or better - visit. A sick person, an old person, a sad person.
Or just person who needs to feel more loved.
Who doesn't?