Monday, April 12, 2010

Malchus Shebigvura

Today's middah [14th day] is "Malchus Shebigvurah".

One thing to do today: Have special kavana during mincha [the tefilla of Yitzchak whose middah was gevura] that we should see the restoration of Malchus Beis David.


In the realm of bein adam lachaveiro: In Kabbala, Malchus represents tefilla, judging favorably and heavenly help [siyata dishmaya]. Gevurah represents rebuke. So today when giving rebuke to those not keeping mitzvos we should daven on their behalf that Hashem should see the good in them and that He should help us succeed in bringing them close to Him.


PS - For those who might have missed my son's bar mitzvah drasha, I posted it here.

BS"D I just reached 1000 shiurim [written and oral] on YUTORAH.ORG. So I must thank - Rabbi Revel, Rabbi Belkin, Rabbi Lamm, Mr. Joel, Rabbi Shur [the man behind the site] and everyone else who had a hand in allowing my Torah to be spread to the world - particularly my sweetest friends who listen. Due to the fact that the average attendance at my shiurim in Yeshiva is 3-4 boys, I REALLY appreciate the opportunity to spread beyond the confines of Yeshiva. My I be zoche to deliver many more thousands of shiurim lishem shomayim and may someone else hear them besides me and Moshe Pinchas [my nickname for my mp3 player who faithfully listens to all of the shiurim], and may my own children [KEYN YIRBU] also listen so that I can properly fulfill vishinantom livanecha!!!