A TREMENDOUS mazel tov to my Rebbe Shmuel Tzvi Rauch and Rebecca Stern on their upcoming wedding. R' Shmuel Tzvi is the nicest and most pleasant sweet tempered person on this planet and is my Rebbe in middos tovos. Plus, when we were together in Yeshiva he taught me Gemara. I don't know the kallah but she is clearly someone very special. How many other girls have a religious university named in their honor?! How many other girls are so pure and holy that R' Shmuel Tzvi would marry them. [The answer to both questions is - none!] She also once brought me something from the States that I needed for the 'kli' that carries my neshama. So I owe her my life.
Since I want to be at my Rebbe's wedding I am going to be in the US next week. For all those interested there is going to be a shiur for young women at 5:30pm next monday. The address is 115 central park west 72nd street, upper west side, apt. 9b ["Ehrman"]. The shiur is li'ilui nishmas anyone who comes, meaning that when you learn torah it elevates your neshama. Why wait till after 120 for an elevation of your soul when you can elevate it now?! Li'chaim to all!!:)
There may also be something for guys but in the meantime one of the girls organized this shiur, so that is what we are doing. If a guy wants to organize another shiur we can work it out.
My own opinion is that New York is filled with people much more worthy than I, so you can hear shiurim from them.
A vote for quality!
Love and blessings and hoping to see everyone ..... in Yerushalayim!!