Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that.
Oliver Stone
Three things take a person out of the world - kinah, taave and kavod [jealousy, illicit desire and honor] - Pikei Avos. In Parshas Behaaloscha we read about the complainers who "hisavu taave" had inappropriate desire for meat [TAAVE], and were removed from the world. Next week in Shlach we read about the leaders who were afraid of losing their positions of importance [KAVOD!] in Israel, so they gave a bad report about the land. They died. Then we read about Korach and his chevre who were jealous [KINAH!] of Aharon and their ending wasn't pretty either.
Yes sweetest friends - kinah taave vikavod motziin es hoadam min haolam!!!
Blissful Shabbos!!!:)