Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Test

I know some people who are poor and can't pay the bills. I know others who have lots of money but are consumed by financial concerns.

I know some people who are having trouble conceiving. I know others who have children but they are a source anguish either because they are ill, off the derech or otherwise difficult.

I know some people who are single and are dying to get married. I know others who are married but are having trouble maintaining a loving relationship with their spouse.

I know some people who are ill. I know others who are healthy but are physically and emotionally overwhelmed by life's responsibilities.

I know women whose husbands died. I know others whose husbands annoy them to death.

I know children who are orphans. I know others who have parents but can't stand them.

I know some people who are unemployed. I know others who are employed but hate their jobs.

I know a lot of people who are dead. I know others who suffer so much from life that sometimes they wish they were dead.

Lesson: Life is a TEST. To pass the test means to maintain one's faith and joy in the face of all troubles.

The secret - never stop counting your blessings.

On that note: A talmid chacham came to America to raise funds for his sick daughter - and then he became sick himself, lo aleinu. Please daven for Yisrael Refael ben Sarah Nesha. Tizku li'mitz.