Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Advice On Giving Advice

How ever been given advice which you found hurtful? Probably...

So before giving advice first make sure that the person wants to hear your advice. Unsolicited advice is often unwelcome as well. "Would like to hear my opinion on the matter?" is all it takes. If the answer is in the affirmitave - shoot! If not - abstain. Empathize and be with the person but refrain from expressing your opinion.

After the advice is given ASK the person how he feels about it, if it works for him, if it is a possibility in his mind. If the answer is that NO, he doesn't like it - then step back and retract it. That is called "RESPECT". Respect is allowing a person the right to decide what is right for him. If you show a person respect - he is much more likely to be receptive to your ideas.

Now that we mentioned it - a note on respect.

EVERYBODY needs respect.

Even children.


Especially children!!

And they get the least.

A good avoda is thinking about different ways to show people respect. I have many ideas but I would LOVE to hear yours...