Tuesday, August 30, 2011


At Iyun HaNefesh the focus in Elul is tshuva. Some words from the Master, HaRav Kook Ztz"l at the beginning of his Oros Hatshuva that express my thoughts far more eloquently than I could ever hope to...

“I find myself constantly thinking and wanting to speak exclusively about t’shuva. Much has been written on the subject of t’shuva in the Torah, the Prophets, and in the writings of our Sages, but for our generation, the matters are still obscure and require clarification…. My inner essence compels me to speak about t’shuva. And yet I am taken aback by my thoughts. Am I worthy enough to speak about t’shuva? However, no shortcoming in the world can discourage me from fulfilling my inner claim. I am driven to speak about t’shuva….”