Sunday, January 27, 2013

Partners In Evil

There are some well meaning people in this world who are sorely misguided. That is one of the many reasons that one needs a Rebbi [and a wife - preferably not the same person:)]. A person can have the best intentions but make fatal errors.

Example: There is a politician who hates religion and is quite antipathetic to religious people as well. His goal is to battle the present lifestyle of the Israeli population of Bnei Torah. He is [according to press reports] an atheist who was married in a civil ceremony in Cyprus. He doesn't bother me so much. He is a person who was raised by a notorious Torah-Hater [also a politician] so we can expect that he will follow in his father's footsteps.

My topic are two of his helpers who are both knesset members. One studied in a very good yeshiva here and also in a top yeshiva in the US [he is a friend of a friend]. He wears a black velvet kippah and has a beard. And semicha. Yet he is helping this enemy of Judaism. The other is a Rosh Yeshiva of an Israeli high-school. This politician spoke there and proclaimed that Jesus is no less an important part of Jewish history than Moshe Rabbein and Rebbe Akiva עפ"ל. This Rosh Yeshiva sat there and said nothing [he is number 2 in the party].

What about the mishna that says אל תתחבר לרשע not to connect to a rasha?

What about being פורש מן הציבור when nobody who has a shred of yiras shomayim voted for this man? The Rambam says that one who is פורש מן הציבור, who separates himself from the larger community, even if he keeps mitzvos and says tikkun chatzos every night and wears tcheles and Rabbeinu Tam tfillin and learns daf yomi in both Bavli and Yerushalmi has NO CHELEK IN OLAM HABA.


What about all of the Rabbanim in all segments of the religious community who are against this person? Are they all wrong and only these two gentleman know what is right? Rav Chaim Knievsky and Rav Shteinman and Rav Shmuel Auerbach and every Rosh Yeshiva and Rebbi in any yeshiva both Charedi and Dati-Leumi are wrong and only there two guys are aligned with the ratzon Hashem? Do they really think that?

On some level - probably.

The gemara tells about a Tzduki who was DREAMING of finally entering the holy of holies when the ktores is already lit and not as the Prushim [our Sages] understood, that we light it only after entering the holy of holies. He was told to be careful but he said "How can I. I finally get to fulfill the true will of Hashem." They found him soon afterwards in the garbage can with a worm coming out of his nose [which was the first organ to enter the Sanctuary]. Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz [Sichos Mussar] uses this gemara to illustrate the danger of making a mistake, even when one means well.

If these fellows would have a Rebbi and be willing to defer to him then they wouldn't make this egregious error.

Another example: Neturei Karta. They meet with and show public support for people who want to annihilate the Jewish people. Modern day Hamans. Who is the Rav they follow? Themselves. MAYBE their intentions are sincere [just as MAYBE the two aforementioned characters are sincere] but I have no doubt that they are doing an aveira worse than any other. Helping people who aspire to be Hitler. Hashem Yerachem.

The lesson: We can ALL make mistakes. Even this writer. I do all the time. So when I have a critical decision to make in life I go to my Rebbi to make sure that I am not fooling myself in my state of powerful subjectivity. I think it is a good idea.

So did Chazal.

עשה לך רב.

Been meaning to get this of my chest. Feel better already:).