Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cutting The Line

This story was told by R' Tzvi Rotenberg who heard it from the person himself.

In the olden days, the bus ride from Tel Aviv to Yerushalyim took a few hours and the buses came very infrequently. This man, a student of the Chazon Ish, saw a long lineup of people waiting to get on the bus. He feared that he would not get on, so he snuck his way up to the front of the line.

During the ride his conscience started bothering him. When he went to the Chazon Ish, he asked him what aveirah he committed. Gezel? Onaas Dvarim? Something else??

The Chazon Ish answered - None of those. But you were פורץ גדרי עולם - You breached the fences of the world.
