Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Reb Mordechai Amshiner

There was a greeattt talmid chochom and baal mofeis who lived in Vilna a hundred years ago named Rov Mordechai Vitzel [also known as Reb Mordechai Amshiner] who wrote a sefer called "Hadras Mordechai", a collection of extremely deep and complex pilpulim for various siyumim.

There was a lady named Rebbetzin Yogel ע"ה [whose husband was a well known Rov] who related that she saw the following with her own eyes. A woman came to the Rov with her blind son. He gave him a "bracha" that he should "break his head". On their way out he fell down the stairs and broke his head. She took him to the doctor who said that he broke his head. The mother said "His head is already broken. Why don't you check what is doing with his eyes." The doctor looked and saw something moving and he fixed it and the boy was able to see! [Agan Hasahar P. 77]

זכות הצדיקים יעזור יגן ויושיע!

A girl once approached him on the train and asked for a bracha that she should marry a talmid chochom. He said "What? You want kavod? I am not going to give you a bracha that you receive kavod". Later on he called her back and said "Maybe you want kavod, but if you understand that to be married to a talmid chochom is a kavod then that is also something" and he gave her a bracha.

She in fact ended up marrying one of the gedolim of the previous century [I will not publicize who she was - I don't think it brings her kavod,....].

[Related by Rav Shach ztz"l whose yahrtzeit is this week]

May we all be zoche to either marry a talmid chochom or be married to a woman whose husband is a talmid chochom:-).

לרפואת שיינדל פייגע בת חיה צביה ור' יוסף בן עליזה ור' שלמה בן פייגע דינה בתוך שח"י