Monday, June 30, 2014

New Articles

Haven't been blogging so frequently recently. I have been very busy with matters that can keep a man busy [Yevamos - Minchas Chinuch and other Divinely inspired texts]. I hope to get back into it. I need 48 hours a day....

Here are some notes on the mitzva in the Minchas Chinuch to be makdish one's bechor beheima.

Here is the weekly parsha article from last week. The topic - Parah Aduma.

Here are some notes on the melacha of makeh bi-patish in the Minchas Chinuch.

Here is a glimpse into Rav Kook's soul. Pretty supernal....

[I dedicated the notes on the Minchas Chinuch in the zchus of a relative who could use some Divine grace [NOT ill chas vi-shalom] so if you trouble yourself to learn it then I will consider a huge favor.]