Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Prophecy Of Moses

The Rambam makes it clear that we do not believe in the Torah and prophecy of Moshe because of miracles that he performed. We believe because we saw with our very own eyes and heard with our ears as G-d spoke. It is not a leap of faith or a philosophical belief but an experiential one. Moshe is classified as the greatest of all prophets for we didn't just see that G-d spoke but we also saw that the G-d's voice [כביכול] was speaking through Moshe's mouth [שכינה מדברת מתוך גרונו]. Rav Mordechai Gimpel [Tcheles Mordechai] explained that when the Jews said at Sinai that they were afraid of the fire, that included their fear of hearing Moshe speak as G-d's mouthpiece, so to speak.

[Rav Hutner Sefer Zikaron P. 381]

When I say that we "saw" as G-d spoke I am echoing the pasuk רואים את הקולות and Chazal say they saw what one normally hears and heard what people normally see. This is called in chasidus and kaballa - התבטלות החושים, the nullification of the sensory world and entry into a much more elevated existence where everything is perceived by the soul.

We must constantly be aware of how our senses mislead us in so many ways ודי למבין....

לזכות ר' אברהם יצחק בן אסתר ביתו וכל אשר לו!