Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cheyt Adam Harishon

Before the sin of אדם, his body wasn't HIM, it was just an encasment of his soul. After the sin, everything got messed up because now his body is HIM, he identifies with his body which is essentially no different than that of an animal [eat, sleep, defacate, reproduce etc.]. That is why man was embarrassed after the sin and had to cover up. It is shameful to be an animal and that everyone should see that. And that is also why אדם couldn't answer Hashem's question of איכה - Where are you? The real "him" was lost. Now man was "כאלהים" [as the snake said] - like G-d. But not G-d. Just a poor imitation. 

[הגרי"מ זצ"ל]