Sunday, October 27, 2019


Exciting times in Gerrer Chasidus!! A Talmid Chochom put out a new Kuntres explaining clearly all of the Maamarim of the Sfas Emes from תרל"ב ספר בראשית. GO FOR IT!!!!

והמבין יבין.  

[Someone once told Rav Hutner that a certain idea he said is written in the Sfas Emes. Rav Hutner replied, "What ISN'T written in Sfas Emes"].  

PS - Lashon Hara, Sinas Chinam and other איסורים apply no less just because people [particularly on the Internet] trample them. למזהיר ולנזהר שלומים תן כמי נהר.