Sunday, June 27, 2021

Vaccines Are Assur Di-oraisa - Part 2

The Yid who came into the Beis Medrash after Mincha this past Shabbos ALSO said that the Tziyonim want to give us all the vaccine to kill us. 

I found that interesting. Netanyahu was one of the first to take the vaccine. Why would he want to kill HIMSELF?? He wants to be Prime Minister - not DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rashi in this past weeks Parsha abt. Bilaam: השנאה מקלקלת את השורה. People HATE secular Zionists so whatever they do is interpreted as evil. It is not true. Sometimes they do evil things. But one can't say that EVERYTHING they do is evil. 

The truth is that people don't REALLY believe this b/c if they did they would use public transportation, fly in airplanes, eat food bought in stores, drink water etc. etc. b/c they if they assume that secular zionists are just out to harm them then the food would be assumed to be poison and the driver would crash the bus etc. etc. 

But whenever possible - the worst is assumed. That is not only a terrible way to live one's life it is also not true.  

This person then said that he hopes that they all burn in gehenom. 

How does a person wish such suffering on another Jew? Not on a Nazi. Not on Stalin. On a fellow Jew. [See Brachos 10 - יתמו חטאים ולא חוטאים]. 

Sad and CLEARLY an indication that he needs therapy.