Thursday, April 26, 2012


100 years: The Woodmere Academy. I learned that when I was lost in Woodmere looking for the "Holy Fire". I saw a big sign that said it was founded in 1912. They have beautiful grounds and sports fields. I wish I would have gone there and played ball all day long.

50 years: The Mets. They went from being the hapless Mets in 1962 to being World Champs in 1969. Their seventh year. Shabbos. So spiritual. Eddie Kranpool. Tom Seaver. Yogi Berra. Bud Harrelson. Cleon Jones. Ed Charles. Tommy Agee. Ally Ehrman.

I wish.

64 years: The State of Israel. 64 miraculous years where the Jewish People daily overcome all odds and continue to exist as a free people in Hashem's special gift to them. Abba Eban [whatta name!] once said that Israel is the only country in the world about whom the United Nations votes to determine if they have the right to exist.

Reminds me of the story of the Rabbi who was sick and the members of his shul came to visit him in the hospital. The President of the shul said "Rabbi, good news. The board voted 8 against 5 to wish you a speedy recovery."  

They don't like us. "They" meaning the whole world. In 1939-1945 the world remained silent. Nobody cared. Even the President of the United States as has been documented by historians. Things haven't changed much.

PLEASE join me in singing to the tune of Schwekey....

Veee-heeeee sheeee-uuuummmmdaaaaa laaaavoseeeeiiinuuuuu, ve-he she-umda laaavoseinuuu vi-laaaaaanu....