What is interesting about the sefer is that it wasn't written by Rav Hutner! What happened was that on September 6 1970 Rav Hutner was on an airplane that was hijacked by Arab terrorrists and he was taken hostage. Tefillos were said all over the world and after a few weeks he was released. The Arabs in their pure רשעות took away his manuscript on Shavuos and despite large monetary offers refused to return it. So the sefer was rewritten based on the notes of his students by ..... his daughter Rebbetzin Bruria David [so they say in the "oilam"]. If you read the sefer it is simply remarkable to see how she successfully mirrors her father's inimitable, poetic and clear writing style. I once had some Beis Yaakov girls at my house for Shabbos who were in the Rebbetzin's Pachad Yitzchak shiur.
I asked how I could get in....
I still haven't been zocheh.