I have spoken about the centrality of dreams in the Torah and in our lives.
A myseh with yours truly [that I will be vague about because of the personal nature of the issue]. Some time back I had a disturbing dream. When I awoke I interpreted the dream as expressing a certain fear that I harbored. I was satisfied that I understood the inner workings of my psyche. "KNOW THYSELF", cried Socrates. I understood how I was feeling and what was bothering me.
Lo and behold - What I dreaded happening actually DID:-)! אשר יגורתי בא לי!!
Then why am I smiling? I am smiling because a Yid must ALWAYS SMILE [see the last Rema in Orach Chaim].
Also, because once again I see the power of dreams. First, the dream was merely expressing a fear but in retrospect there was actually a spark of Ruach Hakodesh involved. A dream is your neshama telling you the secrets of your soul and reality. My neshama is no holier than yours [probably much less.......]. So pay heed to your dreams and KNOW THYSELF. I try to.....
Love and blessings, besoros tovos and SWEET DREAMS for us all!!