"It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert."
Shaaalooom Sweetest Friends:-)!!!
As you probably know last year I embarked on a new endeavor and founded Kollel Iyun HaNefesh. One year ago at this time I went to the US to seek the "flour" that would facilitate the Torah. With tremendous Divine help and many wonderful caring and generous messangers on His behalf, enough money was raised to begin. Baruch Hashem, despite some bumps on the road, our goal was achieved and a great deal of Torah was studied. The Kollel fellows learned masechtot shavous, avoda zara, horiyos and shkalim etc. and also had a daily seder in mussar/machshava. We also put out a sefer you can access here http://hebrewbooks.org/ 51346.
This is my opportunity to say THANK YOUUUUU to everybody who helped in any way. I know who you are, you know who you are, and most importantly, Hashem knows who you are. Most of the people who gave, have very little money and I know that just about all of the donations came form the heart. When the mishkan was built the Torah stresses that כל נדיב לב - the donations must emanate from a generous heart as that is the only way to build an edifice of kedusha. I really feel that almost all of the contributions were given with a generous, kind, caring heart. I particularly thank my wife Nechi and children who stuck with me and suffered my long absences from home.
May Hashem repay everybody who helped or even tried to help [sometimes unsuccessfully...] with many long happy healthy years in this world and an eternal bliss in the next for you and your families.
Since this was a Torah and Kedusha project the powers of "evil" had to get involved and make things difficult. So they did and in the middle of the year we ran out of money. AHHHHHHH!!!! We had to let some people go and nevertheless were determined to continue, so we did with a smaller roster and by borrowing money. Baruch Hashem some donations trickled in and we now no longer owe anybody money. Debt triggers stress which is bad for your health and since I am health conscious I try to avoid debt [and Arabs with machine guns].
So as we stand we have zero [exactly where we were last year when we started!] and we are going to continue and add more avreichim to our kollel bez"H. In order to do so we need your help.
I am going to be in New York for most of the month of June and will do what I can in order to continue this project of Torah learned with simcha and kedusha and good middos. Anything anyone can do to help is greatly appreciated. Parlor meetings, shiurim, scholar in residences etc. etc. Checks also help
Tax deductible donations can be made out to "Ohr David Outreach" and sent to Ohr David Outreach 326 Kingston Avenue Brooklyn New York 11213. Please write next to memo "For Kollel Iyun HaNefesh". If you want to donate with a credit call you can call [Israel time] and give your credit card information and tell the secretary that the donation is for our Kollel.
Please G-d we will continue to grow and prosper for many years to come and I see it as a tremendous merit to be partners with you in this project.
Love and blessings:-)
[You may link this to Bill Gates or anyone else on the Forbes 400 or who would like to be...
[You may link this to Bill Gates or anyone else on the Forbes 400 or who would like to be...