Thursday, May 17, 2012

Shabbos Vs. Amalek

This Torah should be a zchus for Roiza Bat Benzion whose Yahrtzeit was today. And a merit for ALL of her grandchildren including Shoshana Leah and Shmuel Michoel Shimon the children of Rachel Chaya that they should have limitless bounty in both the spiritual and material realms.

It says in the Medrash that Amalek is the opposite of Shabbos. That leaves us trying to understand the contrast between the two. 

Says the Holy Sochochaver ztz"l  [שם משמואל תצוה תרע"א] in the name of his father the Holy author of the Avnei Nezer Rav Avraham ztz"l: Amalek went completely above the intellect and attacked the Jewish people in the desert after the splitting of the sea. This made no sense because all of the other nations were petrified of the Jews [שמעו עמים ירגזון חיל אחז יושבי פלשת] and nobody dared to attack but Amalek ignored that and came against us. [עמלק is עם מלק the nation that does מליקה, which is separating the head (of a bird) from the rest of the body. Amalek separated their head from their actions and acted illogically]. 

Shabbos, ahhhhhh Shabbos! On Shabbos a Divine light is revealed that is above and beyond logic and intellect. That is why the Jews are desired by Hashem on Shabbos regardless of their deeds. Hashem loves us JUST the way we are. [Remind me to tell you my "love you just the way you are" story]. That is why we stress in our davening ורצה בנו and Chassidus teaches that there is no logical reason for רצון. You want something because you want it. Why do you like vanilla more than chocolate? You just do! [Or maybe you don't want to stain your clothing]
Similarly Hashem loves us on Shabbos particularly for no other reason other than that ... He does.

ורצה בנו. 

No logic. 

So maybe our avoda on Shabbos is to DROP the critical eye and love people JUST LIKE THAT regardless of how they act.    

A blissful one to all:-)