Monday, August 27, 2012

Brachos 21-22 - Tvilas Keri

The gemara discusses at length the issue of a baal keri going to mikva before learning and davening ["tvilas ezra"]. What is the practical halacha? Must one go to mikva after being with his wife or otherwise experiencing a seminal emission?

Strictly speaking - no. As one opinion in the gemara says, the tvila of ezra was nullified.

Howevahhhhhhh ......... some rishinom hold that only with respect to learning there is no longer a need to immerse in a mikva but before davening one must immerse.

Others hold that only with respect to davening one need not go mikva but for learning one must go.

What is almost undeniable is that it is definitely praiseworthy to go to mikva when in a state of keri  as it adds purity to the body and soul.

Being intimate with ones wife is a mitzva of "onah" [imagine how much Hashem loves us - He created such a pleasurable act and actually gives eternal reward for performing it] and one goes from "chayil lichayil" when going to mikva afterwards. In the Vorehand mikva on 91st and West End Ave. they have a rubber ducky. Wearing sunglasses.


PS - For the next while I will not have a Hebrew font as some guy cracked my computer screen and I am using a different computer that speaks only English. I would sue him for damages but whatever I make I will have to pay. I am the guy who cracked it....:-). I forgive me and still love me. May I be zoche to forgive and love others as well.