Sunday, August 26, 2012

Going Dor Li'dor

Today was a great day. Every day is a great day:-).

Until this point all of the donations for the Kollel and Yeshiva  have either been given voluntarily or I emailed people and asked for help. I realize that although it is definitely not what I would rather be doing it is the only way to fund a Yeshiva. Baruch Hu Uvaruch Shemo.

Today I decided that since I need an enormous amount of money and most of the people I know who really want to help have very little - I must start knocking on random doors.

It is worse to have pancreatic cancer but it IS quite a shot to my pride. People are generally not happy when someone comes to their door asking for a donation especially given the amount of people who do so. On any given Sunday a dozen people can easily come to someone's door asking for tzedaka. When I come to see someone I want to feel that they are happy to see me. Isn't our task in this world to bring happiness to others?? But a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. Want Yeshiva - Need Knock!

So I found out that nearby to where I was staying lives a CEO of a huge corporation. HUGE. "Heavy money" as they say in the business. He is a frum man and can use the mitzva gedola of helping fund my Yeshiva before the big Yom HaDin. I nervously approached his door and rang the doorbell. His wife answers on the intercom.

"Who is it?"

"Elchonon Ehrman".

I know that means nothing to her. I might as well have said "Chatzkel Kneidlach".

I then explained that I am collecting for a Yeshiva in Israel and asked if  her husband is home.

No, he isn't and which Yeshiva, was the response.

Herein lies the problem. Nobody heard of Nefesh Yochanan because it does not yet exist. I explained this and that it's going to be a great Yeshiva and that I've taught in other Yeshivos. She was less than enthralled.

She wished me hatzlacha and turned off the intercom and went on with her day.

First knock on a door and I couldn't even get them to open for me.


Interesting: I have had hundreds if not thousands of people come to my front door asking for tzedaka. I have never ever sent any of them away without giving them SOMETHING and trying to make them feel good. I have this WEIRD notion that the person is a human being and would much rather be at comfortably at home like I am and not going door to door asking for handouts. I also feel that it is a ZCHUS to give. With one dollar I earn eternal life and more importantly I become a little bit more like the one whose name is invoked on the dollar bill. Hashem.

So I will keep trying to collect and knock on many more doors because I want to start a Yeshiva where the graduates always feel the pleasure of being able to give and try to make every person feel important.  

I am not angry at this woman. I am actually thrilled. Most of my time I spend doing things I love and enjoy. Learning, talking to people, singing are all FUN-FUN-FUN. However, feeling rejection and disrespected are CRUCIAL for my emotional and spiritual growth. If you are reading this and are wondering if I am being in any way sarcastic - I assure you that I am not. This is great and I look forward to more. Growing is FUN!

I also look forward to meeting people who write fat checks and with a smile assure me that more is to come. This way I will have the Yeshiva for which I dream.

I share this not only for its theraputic value but to encourage others to gladly accept all that life has to offer, both the sweet and primarily the bitter.

Eating maror, we all know is nothing less than a mitzva from the Torah.

And mitzvos - we do with simcha.

Hashem compensated me by setting up a shiur that I delivered later in a beautiful home which was attended by about fifteen pure neshamos who wanted to hear Dvar Hashem. Hashem is the BEST!:-) [The girl who hosted the shiur is great, too].

With much love to all - especially the unseen wife of the CEO with whom had I had that intercom conversation that CERTAINLY served as a kappara and erased some sins from my record.

I remain faithfully yours:-)