One thing that bothers every ben-torah is movies on airplanes. The problem is that the only way to get to Israel is via airplane and all flights have movies. Wherever you sit your can't help but see forbidden pictures [see Ra"n in Nedarim 32b בד"ה שתי]. I myself have to fly soon and I am dreading it as I would dread surgery - without anasthesia.
I stumbled across a teshuva in Shu"t Va-yaan Dovid [by Rav Chaim Dovid Yosef Weiss who is a posek in Antwerp in סימן קפ"ה] where he SHOCKS me by writing that he knows a big Chassidishe Rebbe who admitted that on a flight he couldn't contain himself and took in a flick while airborne. He also says that he saw with his own eyes that a תלמיד חכם מופלג וחסיד a huge talmid chochom and chossid was watching a movie on a flight. I myself often observe people who are dressed in ways that would identify them as "very frum" who are watching the shmutz.
What is the eitza? What should one do? He writes that the only way to deal with it is to sit in the "יוסעקשן" where there are no movies. I invested a lot of time tyring to figure out what "יוסעקשן" is where there are no movies but was unable to figure it out...
So I will give you my eitza - I feel qualified because I don't have a yetzer hara to watch filth [I will make it clear that I have a yetzer hara - just not for movies and other similar soul contaminating "entertainment"].
I am SOOO unoriginal.
I actually pulled that right out of the Rambam אין מחשבת העריות מצויה אלא בלב הפנוי מן החכמה - One does not have improper thoughts unless his heart is empty of wisdom. This means that a person has to be consistently immersed in Torah. Otherwise he is in mortal danger...