Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Teaching Others

לזכות אסתר ביילא בת רות דבורה לברכה והצלחה בכל העניינים

The Sma"g [Sefer Mitzvos Gadol - written by one of the Baalei HaTosfos, Rav Moshe Mi-kutzi in the 1200's] rules that there are two different mitzvos - 1] To learn Torah. 2] To teach Torah. He finds a separate pasuk for each distinct mitzva. However, the Rambam [and those who follow in his footsteps] rules that there is just one mitzva: To learn and teach Torah. It seems that the whole purpose of the mitzva to learn is the obligation to teach and so there is no independent mitzva to learn. The Rambam writes in Hilchos Talmud Torah [1/3] that if one's father didn't teach him he must 'teach himself' [and he didn't write more simply that he must learn]. The goal of learning - both with oneself and with others - is to pass the tradition from generation to generation.

That is why one may not take money for teaching - it is not 'his' Torah that would permit him to take a salary. It was only given to him on condition that he teach it for free.

מפניני הרב עמ' רד