Books of the month club!!
My beloved friend Rav Herschel Berkin just published a book in English based on the Ramchal on sefer Breishis. Please read it.
Today I was at Manny's and saw that the Rogochover's annotated chiddushim on the Rambam Hilchos Shabbos has been published by Mossad HaRav Kook and written expertly and brilliantly by a chashuv Rosh Kollel from Montreal. A must if you are learning daf yomi or keep Shabbos.
Reb Tzvi Meir's Sichos Hischazkus on Shvovevim which has just begun.
More for Shovevim: I received a file of a kuntres [in Lashon Hakodesh] that is very important for married men to read and share with their wives called "Tzniyus Ha-isha" all about matters relating to zivug with one's wife etc. I can't go into details as this is a family blog. If you are willing to send a minimum of a 25 cent donation to the Salvation Army and email me, I will gladly send you the file.
Last but never ever least they recently published a new Pachad Yitzchak on Pesach which is great for the upcoming Parshiyos.