[Full disclosure - the speaker's (R' DR. R.) daughter set me up with my wife over 21 years ago. Since he brought her into the world - he is indirectly responsible for my marriage and 6 children. Gotta appreciate the good!]
Everything he says is true [except that bright kids have a yetzer hara - non-bright kids ALSO have a yezter hara...]
One minor point bichvod rav - it was completely one-sided. He doesn't sit all day [as some rabbonim do] dealing with problems caused by the Internet. Divorces, affairs [chasidishers, litvishers, modernishers, bright, non-bright...] addiction to pornography, gambling, and other מרעין בישין, lashon hara [which is tantamount to murder], exposure to kefirah [which is forbidden to read even if one doesn't believe it], wasted time [which is an elegant form of suicide..], and the list is endless. Every day there are more victims.
I myself use the Internet and Hashem has given me thousands of recorded shiurim, intercontinental chavrusas, thousands and thousands of pages of written divrei torah etc. etc. But one cannot just say "Be positive. Look at all of the good the Internet brings. Negativity is bad."
When I tell my kids not to smoke because smoking is bad and kills [like lashon hara it kills the smoker and those in the vicinity] - I am being negative. I submit that such negativity is very positive... And yes, smoking calms a person, diminishes his appetite, is socially acceptable [in some circles] etc. so why am I stressing the bad??
I am not comparing the Internet to smoking. It brings a lot more good to the world. I AM saying - beware. Keeps your kids far away from it [unless supervised and even then one should ask a shyla] and limit your own use to the positive and what is necessary for work.
Sometimes I wonder - is anybody listening....