I davened the first part of Yom Kippur with a minyan of very fine Jews that created a more Tishba B'av-dike atmosphere [at least that is what I felt]. For Mincha and Neilah I switched to a minyan that had a serious but far more festive atmosphere.
What can I do? The Holy Besht taught that Yom Kippur should bring tremendous simcha. You are getting a clean slate! Imagine that you had a debt to the bank of 10 million dollars and because you asked nicely and incidentally the President of the bank was your Father, you are released from the debt. How would you feel? Whatta simcha!! And how about if you would get a bonus of 10 million dollars into your account? Wonder of wonders!
THAT is what happens spiritually, in the real world [not our fake one where people think money really matters:-)] on Yom Kippur. So I can't handle these depressive minyanim. People mean well but it doesn't work for me.
בשמך יגילון כל היום - In Your Name they will rejoice all day [Tehillim 89/ 18]. The Roshei Teivos spell "בכיה"- crying. Even the crying should be with rejoicing! The Rambam strongly implies that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are days of simcha [albeit not as happy as Succos or Yom Yerushalayim:-)].
I am sure everybody in the first minyan did a fine teshuva but next year I will be elsewhere.
I hope that there is a next year for me.
And you!!!