לזכות פרץ ישראל בן בתיה קיילא לרפו"ש בתוך שח"י
I am going in a number of minutes to stand in a holy place with a large group of men wearing dark fedoras and dark suits who are going to chuckle enthusiastically back and forth saying "Sorry's" ["Slichot"].
What I really want to do is get up and tell them that unless they have worked through the issues of why they did certain acts [many habitually] over the year - there is no chance that next year will be any different. So all of their "sorry's" to G-d and man are analogous to a טובל ושרץ בידו - the classical case of a man who immersed in mikva while holding an impure reptile in his hand. It is a meaningless act [as per the famous Rav Chaim....].
Since I cannot tell them - I am telling you. If you are, for example, married, and are not working through your issues, next year will be a repeat [if not worse] than this year. Assuming you don't have issues is claiming you are but an ameoba. All humans have issues. The less we think we have - the more we probably lack self-awareness, another issue to be dealt with.
This requires not a post but a book, but I have minutes until they start so I must run.
Hope I triggered some thought and introspection:-). [And for less that the 250 bucks the Psych gets:-)].
Bi-ahava and a blessing for a simcha-dike life changing teshuva season,