Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Uses Of Humor

Humor is a very important tool. People today can't really digest mussar so well, they get offended, become defensive and are very resistant. Mussar mixed with humor sweetens the message with spoonfuls of sweet honey, making it much easier to digest. Humor also boosts the immune system, lower stress hormone levels and has a host of other benefits. Those are some of the reasons I use humor [it only helps if people think I am funny....].  

However, at times people confuse the "tool" with the essence, the means with the end. I recently gave a shiur with an amazing explanation of two Rashis in Chumash and an important spiritual lesson. From the many reactions I received, it seems that all that people retained and remembered was a certain funny one liner of mine. It was quite distressing for me. It is like a person receives a wad of bills and says "Wow! Look at all of the pictures of these important people. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin etc. etc." He then hangs the "pictures" up on his wall.

He is missing the point. "Farshtait zich" [Spanish for "Oh so stupid"].

When I write on the blog or give shiurim the root of what I am trying to convey is the moral or spiritual lesson. The humor is just to sweeten things, to open you and me up, to create camaraderie and connection, to lower stress and to improve the mood of people who can use an "up" [who couldn't]. So I plead with those who listen to shiurim or follow the blog to never forget the tachlis.