Friday, March 25, 2016

Purim - Scattered And Spread Around

From an email

Shalllooooommmm sweeeeetest friends!!
A huuuuuge mazelllllll toooovvvvv to my beloved friend Bradley Goldstoff on his engagement ot Rebecca Tessel. May they merit to build a beautiful home filled with simcha!!:-).

A huuuuuuge mazel toooov to my beloved friend Rav Meir Zeev [Jonah] Steinmetz and his Rebbetzin Shoshana on the birth of their ben habechor!! May they raise him to be a tzadik and talmid chacham in good health always and limitless bracha from above! An additional bracha of mazel tov and endless shefa to the Steinmentz's and Kaminetski's!!

A huuuuuge mazel toooov to the great Gaon and Tzadik Rav Yehoshua Skydell and his Rebbetzin on the birth of a son. May he grow up to be a light unto Israel in all respects! A special mazel tov to the Skydells and Rakovskis on this wonderful simcha!!

This dvar Torah should be a zchus for Shoshana bas Devorah Gittel that she should have ONLY BRACHA and good things always together with her special husband and family!

When Haman tried to sway Achashveirosh to decree destruction and genocide on the Jewish people he said ישנו עם אחד מפוזר ומפורד - There is one nation that is scattered and spread around. It seems as if it is just a repetitive phrase - scattered and spread around.

But it is not.

The word מפוזר connotes geographical distance. Jews are everywhere. That is a GOOD THING! We need Jews everywhere so that in Teaneck, the Five Towns, Montreal, Los Angeles, the Upper West Side, Brazil, Miami, Kew Gardens Hills etc. etc. the Jews can spread the light and kedusha of Torah.

The word מפורד however, has a negative connotation. We are emotionally distant from one another. So, said Haman, we have nothing to worry about. Since the Jews aren't united, we can liquidate them [חס ושלום].

The antidote was what Esther said to Mordechai - לך כנוס את כל היהודים, gather the Jews. Once we have achdus, the Goyim have no power over us.

After we were saved the Rabbis decreed that we give Mishloach Manos. This does not only mean food. Everybody must share their special talents with each other, as the gemara alludes to [see Megilla 7b מר שלח חורפא with the Maharsha].

A person with wisdom must share his wisdom, one with money must share that etc. etc.

One when we bind together as one do the Anti-Semites lose all of their power. May we merit to prove Haman wrong and while we may be מפוזר - we are never מפורד!!

[Based on the Sfas Emes 5661 ד"ה וכל כוחו]

A delicious, sweet healthy and happy Purim to all,

