Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Latest "Hocs" - Ailu Vi-ailu

The big hoc in the MO world is that MTA has a new Principal. We all wish him hatzlacha. Great man with many talents.

If I were made Principal of MTA, I would among other things, ban all smartphones. It is bad for the body and soul and is destroying modern education. The students are never really present or focused. I would also disband the sports teams. Sports are great for the kids to play but these leagues turn into Avoda Zara. It is just a ball and the kids take it much too seriously. So let them play but without stats and competitions. 

For those reasons they would never appoint me Principal of MTA :-) [despite my having been a student there three decades ago...]. It is hard to fight the farcrumpte [chinese for "totally messed up"] system.

The big hoc in the Yeshiva world is that in the Mir Yeshiva, shiurim are now being given [by at least one very chashuv Ra"m] in Hebrew as opposed to Yiddish. The positive is that now more people will understand. But there is something to preserving long standing traditions and to speaking a language different from the surrounding secular environment. The former trumps the latter in the opinion of many [most famously - Rav Yakov Kaminetzky]. Others prefer to perpetuate Europe as much as possible. 

ואלו ואלו דברי אלוקים חיים.