The word דעת connotes connection "וידע אדם את חוה אשתו" - Adam was intimate with his wife. The other side of the coin is the ability to make distinctions - הבחנה. One most know how and when to connect and how and when to disconnect.
The higher level is הבחנה - that is why the first bracha in the birchos ha-shachar is אשר נתן לשכוי בינה להבחין בין יום ובין לילה - we thank Hashem that the rooster has the ability to distinguish between day and night.
We always have to make sure that we distinguish between day - what is light and holy, and night - what is dark and evil.
[ עי' קובץ רשימות בסוף ספר פחד יצחק על ראש השנה אות א וע"ע בשפ"א פ' ראה שנת תרל"א]