Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Learning Eloquence

Trump is good for the Jews and in many ways - good for America. So it appears to me [although I don't follow politics closely and claim no expertise]. 

But his level of rhetoric and discourse equals that of a 2nd grader [in that I am an expert because I spent a whole year in 2nd grade. Thank you Mrs. Gabler for putting up with me]. It is embarrassing to hear him talk. It really makes me uncomfortable that the President speaks as he does. 

After the news of the helicopter crash of the Gadol Ha-dor, he tweeted:

“Reports are that basketball great Kobe Bryant and three others have been killed in a helicopter crash in California. That is terrible news!”

Compare with the tweet of Obama, who while no great friend of Am Yisrael, is far more articulate, dignified and intelligent than his successor:

"Kobe was a legend on the court and just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a second act. To lose Gianna is even more heartbreaking to us as parents. Michelle and I send love and prayers to Vanessa and the entire Bryant family on an unthinkable day."

After that, Trump tweeted again [he doesn't learn the daf, so he has more free time than we do and can tweet almost to his hearts content]:

"Kobe Bryant, despite being one of the truly great basketball players of all time, was just getting started in life. He loved his family so much, and had such strong passion for the future. The loss of his beautiful daughter, Gianna, makes this moment even more devastating. Melania and I send our warmest condolences to Vanessa and the wonderful Bryant family. May God be with you all!"

There is a BIG "יש אומרים" that he copied from Barack.... Sounds EERILY similar. 

I laud him. He should learn - even from the man he despises - how to express himself. His first tweet was worthy of a second grader while the second much more respectable. But Donald was מזכיר שם שמים while Barack didn't.