Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Secular Colleges

Here is a podcast about going to secular college. 

I am confused. Would one make a podcast about the pros and cons of adultery? There are definite pros - It is exciting, fun, adventurous and pleasurable. That is why it is so common and popular. But there is one slight problem. It is forbidden - absolutely and positively. No question about it. A woman may not sleep with her boss or clients for parnassa. It really helps but it is forbidden. It is also evil and flies in the face of the most basic Torah value of kedusha. It is also forbidden even if one feels an "existential need" to experience the love they lack in their marriage. There are no excuses. One must die rather than commit adultery. 

On college campuses they have coed dorms, sometimes even coed rooms. One student related that even the bathrooms are coed. So a boy walks out of the shower and sees a girl standing there brushing her teeth. Or vice versa. These are 18-22 year old kids with raging hormones in an environment that encourages permissiveness. Then there are the parties with drinking and other stuff. There is the language people use which is absolutely forbidden to hear. There is the way girls walk around campus which make it forbidden to be there - even if one doesn't look [see Bava Basra 58]. 

Then there is the fact that just about no professor or student believes in G-d [as we understand Him], the Divinity of the Torah, the chosenness of the Jewish people, reward and punishment etc. etc. That doesn't have an effect on one's Emunah?? If someone denies the essence of our faith then one loses Olam Haba. [See Rambam Avoda Zara 2-3].

To compound the problem there is tons of free time on campus. Students take a maximum of 4 classes a day giving them PLENTY OF TIME for "extra-curricular" activities. 

There is really nothing to talk about for a serious Torah Jew. If one needs a college degree there are numerous ways to get one without moving to a secular college campus. A few - Ner Yisrael, YU, Landers, Touro, an on-line degree etc. etc.. 

אביזרייהו דגילוי עריות and כפירה are two of the most serious offenses in our faith system. It is nothing less than פיקוח נפש רוחני to avoid going to places that compromise these values. 

It goes without saying that students who do choose to attend these places of licentiousness should not be rejected by us but rather be brought close in fulfillment of the Mishnaic dictum "אהוב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה".