Saturday, January 25, 2020


Regarding my recent post about secular colleges, I was told by a beloved friend that no student is compelled to live in the dorms and may rent a place off campus. Also, even "Goyim have a sense of shame". 

Both points may be true. But I ask: Why then do frum students, after a year or two in Israel learning Torah, choose to live in the dorms????

Also, I wholeheartedly agree that Goyim in fact do have a sense of shame. The first Goyim we famously naked and quite embarrassed about it [Breishis 3-7]. But in our day and age, it is not considered a moral defect to live with a member of the other sex to whom one is not married. The only people who don't have sexual relations before marriage are religious people. The only people who don't touch before marriage are very frum Jews. The only people with a well developed sense of tzniyus are very frum Jews. Women walk around in public in ways that no Bas Yisrael would ever dream of walking around in the privacy of her own home.  

So while we must be involved in general society - we should be quite wary. Both about college and otherwise.