Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Limits Of Wealth

In a minute, Vanessa Bryant became one of the richest single black women on the planet. She has tens of millions of dollars ALL TO HERSELF. WOW-EEE!! And she is not even 40 years old. She probably has decades to enjoy her limitless [and ever increasing] wealth.

I also cannot imagine a less happy human being on the face of the same planet than Vanessa Bryant. She would GLADLY give away every last penny if she could have her husband and daughter back in exchange.  

Most of us spend most of our time and energy trying to preserve and increase our wealth. It is called "work". We always have to keep in mind that the most valuable things in life cannot be bought by money. So invest not only in real estate and the stock market but in family, friends and your faith. 

I love the idea in Halacha of having to die in order to avoid certain aveiros in certain instances. Even if we are never placed in such a situation, it brings home to point that our values and beliefs are worth more than our very lives. The Halacha also states that in order to avoid doing an aveira from the Torah, one must give up all of his money, if necessary. 

So kiss your family members more, tell them often how much they mean to you, thank Hashem for all of the gifts you have [like MEANING AND PURPOSE, a brain, a pancreas, kidneys - and every one of the trillions of complexly designed cells in your body] and DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!!!!