Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Shot Gun Marriage - Yoetzet And Chacham Ovadiah - Dam Chimmud

There is a story that is circulating about a man and woman who were divorced, met at a Bar Mitzva, talked for a while and decided to get remarried - on the spot. There was a rabbi there who married them off. 

I don't know the details of their divorce or discussion or anything else so it would be silly to comment even though it seems odd to have a shotgun remarriage like that. Did they work out all of the issues that caused the divorce in the first place? We don't know anything and it is really none of our business [a novel idea in our instagram-facebook-twitter world]. 

I will say that the chosson [in the video of the event] looked very happy while the kallah seemed very ill-at-ease, tense and uncomfortable. Not a good sign... But again - none of our business and we wish them hatzlacha. 

The Halachic issue [that is our business馃榾] that comes up is how they can get married when the Shulchan Aruch [拽爪"讘 讛] is very clear that one must wait seven days after proposing to a woman [even an ex-wife] before getting married because of "讚诐 讞讬诪讜讚" [see Niddah 66a]. 

I looked around for some heter. It would seem that since the source of this law [when it comes to a divorcee] is not the Gemara but later sources, there would be room to be lenient in a case where they might change their minds afterwards for no good reason but cold feet. I found that Chacham Ovadiah Yosef saved the day in his magnificent 讟讛专转 讛讘讬转 [Vol. 1 p. 475] where he says that if there is a concern that they might back out, the wedding may be done immediately but no sexual relations are allowed for the requisite 7 days. 

I asked my Yoetzet Halacha and she agreed with Chacham Ovadiah馃槂. 

SO MAZEL TOOOV and may they be zocheh to have a home filled with 讗讛讘讛 讗讞讜讜讛 砖诇讜诐 讜专注讜转!!