Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Segulos And Control

People want to feel they are in control. The world is SCARY!!! So if you will just tell me what I can do in order to gain some control then I will happily do it. To make me feel better, please get Rabbonim to sign on that what I do will insure me good health and parnassa. Because I NEED good health and parnassa. Otherwise, how am I going to cope!!!

I am SCARED!馃槼



Tell me to do anything and I will believe you b/c I want to believe you. It is the only way I can cope with all of this UNCERTAINTY!!!

Send me a shtar promising me good things and I will send money. It is well worth it for the peace of mind it gives me. And if the promises don't come to fruition I will continue believing in any segulah I read about in the newspaper b/c the alternaitve - not being in control and being susceptible to a whole host of imagined and real dangers - is too much to handle. 



Met this month for a historic meeting with the ***halachic status of a beis din*** to write up a powerful SHTAR for you & your family & on behalf of all of klal yisroel.


Right now poor families are struggling financially due to the coronavirus. These families are crying out to the rabbanim, and to the chesed organizations, begging for just enough help to avoid homelessness & hunger. WE MUST DO SOMETHING - AND SO THIS IS WHAT THE GEDOLIM HAVE DECREED:
“28 of Gedolei Yisrael sign this Shtar- a Shtar of Life for those who donate for the special fund ‘Vehasiroty Machaka MiKirbecha.’ We opened this fund in Vaad Harabanim in Eretz Yisroel, to save the sick and their families, to heal them and strengthen them for all of their days.
Donors should bez"H see great salvations everywhere they need, They should save them and the people in their house from all disease, measure for measure. They should merit to make simchas in their house, have nachas from their offspring, with health and financial success in abundance.”

This massive bracha has been extended because the gedolim are calling on us to contribute to this essential fund.

All those who donate $72 x 12 ($864) will receive a printed copy of the shtar with the bracha for their family - A physical copy of the halachic beis din’s decree on their behalf, in honor of their contribution to this extremely important cause.

Many who have donated to this fund have already recounted chilling yeshuos, which they attribute to their donation:

“Thank you for being the shaliach to save my Mom…”

“The doctors said she has a few months to live…….. Now she was told she can get treatment and she has a chance!”

“I have no words to thank for the help you gave me for the medical outcome I had”

These are the words of real people who reached out to say THANK YOU for giving them this opportunity to receive this unbelievable zechus & bracha from the gedolim. Donate now to bring blessings to your family, and to these families in need.


YES!!!! I will send [bl"n] $864 dollars for this shtar. And look, someone wrote that giving money saved his mom. Who doesn't have a relative who needs a refuah? I know I do [for the record - Avi Mori R' Yitzchak Yonah ben Chana and a few more]. And look at that other testimony! She only had a few months to live but after giving money they miraculously found a cure [well not a cure but a chance - stay tuned!!!]. 

So why are the hospitals FILLED to capacity? B/c people aren't sending $864 to this organization! If they would only send in the money, they are GUARANTEED a SPEEDY miracle!! 

Where do we find in the Tanach the idea of getting a shtar insuring bracha? That "save[s] them and the people in their house from all disease, measure for measure. That they should merit to make simchas in their house, have nachas from their offspring, with health and financial success in abundance." 


Where do we find such a concept in Shas? NOWHERE!!! Where do we find such a concept anywhere in our history? WE DON'T!!! [And if we do it is not the mainstream approach and extremely rare].  

You have kids off the derech or at least shaky? No worry. A few dollars will solve the problem. Why are so many kids OTD? B/c their parents didn't give money to this organization!!

Why is the bracha so expensive? Why can't one get a bracha just for being alive?? I ALWAYS bless people and don't ask for money in exchange [not that they would give me...]. Are Gedolim less compassionate than I am? Don't they want people to have a refuah shleima just b/c they are suffering?? OF COURSE they do. 

Why don't they write a shtar saying that any sick or poor Jewish person should have good health and TREMENDOUS prosperity no matter what?? 

Here - I bless ALL OF KLAL YISROEL with all of the brachos in ruchniyos and gashmiyus!!! 

We need extra zchuyos? Here is one: Say Modeh Ani every morning, acknowledging and thanking Hashem. 

You already do that? PERFFFECCCTTTOOOO!!!! You are in! For you the world was created! In this world of hester ponim, after the Holocaust and all the cancer that is going around, you still believe in G-d and follow His laws? You deserve EVERYTHING!!!

Another merit? Here is one: Find a relative or neighbor who is in need [we all have know such people] and privately, discreetly, send them money. Or one of the thousands of Talmidei Chachomim who is struggling to keep his large family afloat. No fanfare. No fancy advertising campaigns. No shtaros. Just the most beautiful act possible. Quietly helping someone in need with NO PROMISE to receive anything in return. No raffles!! No gala dinners. No names on buildings or anywhere else. THAT is a segulah. And you have the bracha of the "GADOL HA-DOROS". HASHEM!!! 

谞ָ转讜ֹ谉 转ִּ转ֵּ谉 诇讜ֹ 讜ְ诇ֹ讗 讬ֵ专ַ注 诇ְ讘ָ讘ְ讱ָ 讘ְּ转ִ转ְּ讱ָ 诇讜ֹ 讻ִּ讬 讘ִּ讙ְ诇ַ诇 讛ַ讚ָּ讘ָ专 讛ַ讝ֶּ讛 讬ְ讘ָ专ֶ讻ְ讱ָ 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛 讗ֱ诇ֹ讛ֶ讬讱ָ 讘ְּ讻ָ诇 诪ַ注ֲ砖ֶׂ讱ָ 讜ּ讘ְ讻ֹ诇 诪ִ砖ְׁ诇ַ讞 讬ָ讚ֶ讱ָ

Is it a guarantee?? Well, in our history there have been many people who gave tzedaka and remained poor. So there are no guarantees in life. Is it scary? Yes. So deal with it! We are NOT in control.

We are told in the Torah how to live our lives and follow it as best we can. In general, people who live according to the Torah have better lives, more stable families, meaning, purpose, control their often harmful impulses etc. etc. No doubt about. If religion weren't true then we would have to invent it. It is TOO necessary. The data proves that in societies where more tzedaka is given, there is more prosperity. But we have no 100 percent absolute guarantees of anything in this world other than complete uncertainty. There is 爪讚讬拽 讜专注 诇讜. No question. Moshe Rabbeinu struggled with that. What is the explanation? We will find out - after 120. In the meantime we live with uncertainty and with the knowledge that G-d is running a tight ship. Doing segulah X,Y, or Z might or might not help.

Why do Rabbonim take part in these gimmicks? Let me make myself clear. I am not being critical of them. It is NOT my place. I am sure they have their reasons. The askonim probably convinced them that the "tzedaka market" is so flooded today with endless causes, that in order to get people to give, they must go to extreme measures. So they send out shtaros or sharp knives [讛讞讜转"讱 讞讬讬诐 诇讻诇 讞讬] or other gimmicks and people send in money. Do they report all the people who gave last year and this year their parnassa went down and/or they got sick with corona? NEVER. Are there such people? LOADS! Whose parnassa HASN'T taken a hit this year?  Do they promise refunds if the segulah doesn't work? Never. If they are so sure of themselves - why not? B/c the askonim themselves know that there are no promises in this world. That people die even after their relatives gave tzedaka on their behalf. If it were that easy - people would stop dying. We would all make monthly payments to the tzedaka that makes grandiose promises and we are set. 

It is not that easy. 

So let us return to the basics. There are 613 mitzvos. If you keep them it is a "segulah" to be close to Hashem. ["讜讗转诐 转讛讬讜 诇讬 住讙讜诇讛 诪讻诇 讛注诪讬诐"] We must do mitzvos with NO ULTERIOR MOTIVES other than love and fear of Hashem. He is not 讞"讜 a slot machine where we put in the right coins and win the jackpot. That is not a healthy relationship but a manipulative one. We are PROMISED bracha for keeping the Torah. How this bracha will be expressed is Hashem's business. Before the war, Rav Menachem Zemba, Rav Aryeh Zvi Frommer, the author of the Aish Kodesh, to name just three of the incredible Tzadikim who were killed by the Nazis, fulfilled the Torah much much much better than any of us can dream of, yet they were brutally murdered. So their bracha is in the NEXT WORLD. This world is for Avoda and not schar. "砖讻专 诪爪讜讛 讘讛讗讬 注诇诪讗 诇讬讻讗". The reward promised by the Torah [讜讛讬讛 讗诐 砖诪讜注 转砖诪注讜 ... 讜谞转转讬 诪讟专 讗专爪讻诐 讘注转讜] is, according to the Rambam, just intended to help us continue keeping mitzvos. Life here on planet earth is NOT EASY!!! For anyone!!!

I am having a lot of personal challenges and so is everyone I know. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! 

The families who I thought had it the BEST, they were religious, wealthy, respected, well connected, good looking, well dressed, well educated etc. etc. bi-kitzur, everything going for them, often had it the WORST. They is no large, prominent family in Klal Yisrael [of which I am aware] w/o serious challenges. 

Three miracle workers: The Lubavitcher Rebbe helped countless people with his brachos - but he himself had an EXTREMELY difficult life. Ditto the Chazon Ish. Ditto the Baba Sali. All of them suffered from family tragedies. 

We believe in the power of Tzadikim and their brachos and will continue to believe in them. 讜讬讗诪讬谞讜 讘讛' 讜讘诪砖讛 注讘讚讜. We believe in Hashem and His messengers. But remember - Chabadnikim still die, even though the Rebbe wishes they hadn't. Chazon Ish-niks often struggled to put food on the table even though the Chazon Ish would bless them with parnassa. He would certainly say "讗讘讬谞讜 诪诇讻谞讜 讝讻专谞讜 诇驻专谞住讛 讜讻诇讻诇讛". [Bnei Brak was and remains quite a poor town]. 

Teshuva, Tfilla and Tzedaka revoke the evil decree. Forget the aggressive advertising campaigns. Go back to the basics. Serious teshuva and introspection. Heartfelt Tefilla. And Tzedaka, starting with relatives and neighbors [as the Halacha mandates] - preferably anonymously and with no shtiky strings attached [such as raffles and the like]. 

Also, learn LOTS OF TORAH!!!! 转诇诪讜讚 转讜专讛 讻谞讙讚 讻讜讜讜讜讜诇诐!!!!! Put your phone away for as long as you can and SHTEIG!!! There are SOOOOOO MANNNNYYYY learning opportunities today. Take advantage. It is not only the biggest mitzva in the Torah but super enriching!! 

Then there is nature: Wear a mask, exercise often, eat a healthy diet, sleep as much as you need, cultivate positive relationships and chances are that you will be relatively healthy [if you are young].  

Maybe most importantly: LET GO!!! Let Hashem run the world. We have little control. It is better that way. He knows what he is doing much more than we can ever know how to run things.