Tuesday, December 21, 2010


A belated mazel tov to 3 former chavrusas!!

Yaakov Dov HaKohen Slomnicki on the birth of his son who will be serving Hashem in the Third Beis Hamikdash! And to Rochel Miriam who is the אם הבנים שמחה!

Shmuel Simcha Kollander on his engagement. We learned Maseches Ksubos together. How appropriate! A Ksuba is a document which makes a Jewish man his wife's indentured servant until after his death. We read it under the Chuppah in aramaic so many people don't understand but that's what it means.

Chaim Berel Dolinger on his engagement. We learned Rav Kook's sefer together. How appropriate! Hopefully his wonderful kallah is a good 'cook'.

שמחות אצל כולם!!