Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Can't Believe It

Recently I was chatting with the Rabbi of a well known shul in the New York area. He is a follower of a Rabbi who was indicted on charges of abuse. He said something I found disturbing: He is not ready to believe that he did what he is accused of doing, despite mounds of evidence to the contrary. "Maybe he went a little further than he should have but not what he is accused of doing."

The moment we put somebody on a pedestal, it is psychologically too painful to admit that he also has a sinister and sometimes deranged element to his personality. I see this all the time. People are not ready to admit that a person whom they admire doesn't possess only the sterling qualities that are attributed to him.

I will tell you the danger in this: If wrongdoing is denied, the abuse continues unabated and the victims multiply. In my lifetime I have seen this process many times. Big name abuses. People don't believe it and cover it up. He continues. People continue defending him. Until there is such overwhelming evidence that it can no longer be denied and it gets to the newspapers. In my head I have a long list.

Why does the aggressor have more rights than his innocent victims??

By the way - The aforementioned indicted Rabbi is [according to his wiki page] still giving shiurim in numerous venues. He is not the only one who commits crimes against the Torah and/or the law and continues to spread his darkness  "light".

Remember the eternal guidance of our Sages [מועד קטן יז]: If your Rebbi is like an angel of G-d, learn from him - if not - don't. 

I discuss this here, here and  here.