The sfarim teach us that when it says מלך in the megilla, it refers to the King of the world. That means that a secular word has a deeper, holy meaning.
The gemara relates that the Jews didn't want Purim to be a day of forbidden labor. This is because Purim is a day that should look secular on the surface but on a deeper level it is holy.
According to this line of thought we can say that on Purim a person looks on the surface as if he has no daas but on a deeper level he is FILLED with daas.
[Sefer Zikaron of Maran Baal HaPachad Yitzchak Page 100 - See there how he said it beautifully in Yiddish].
On Purim we read מגילת אסתר and we [literally] reveal the hidden [מגלה ההסתר] and perceive that things aren't as they appear on the surface.
לזכות אברהם מרדכי בן נעכא גיטל