Thursday, July 3, 2014

Save Our Children

Obviously the horrible senseless murder of the three boys is occupying our minds and hearts and so it should. Hashem counts the tears spilled over the death of a kosher Jew [Shabbos 105b]. These three boys were not just kosher Jews. They merited an eternal reward greater that that of: Rav Eliyashiv, the Chofetz Chaim, the Vilna Gaon, the Rambam, Hillel, etc. etc. [See Bava Basra 10b].

A gadol came to visit my neighbor after his son was killed by terrorists in Mercaz HaRav and said that if he would have lived a thousand years filled with Torah - he would not have achieved the great reward that he now merited. We try to avoid death and mourn it when it comes but Hashem rewards His faithful servants, especially those who die because they are Jewish.

We can't save the boys. They are basking in Gan Eden. We can only feel and daven for their families and friends.

There are other Jewish children who have been "kidnapped". They and their families  - in the thousands - are living a daily gehenom...

To what do I refer? Many, many young people have been taken captive by the powers of evil - drugs, alcohol, pornogrophy, internet addiction etc. etc. etc. Their parents can't sleep at night from worry and the pain of seeing a child off the derech is searing. Unless you have experienced it - you don't know it....

So here is "today's" [and every day's] mitzva - try to save a Jewish child or Jewish children. They experience so much pain and sadness and need people to be there for them. You don't have to be Lubavitch or work for Aish - anybody can do it.

If they don't turn around then we believe that they have an even bigger gehenom waiting for them "there". So - it is nothing less than Pikuach Nefesh. A worthy mitzva.