Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Gzeiros Chazal where the reason for the gzeira no longer applies. Dancing on Shabbos, medicine on Shaabos, gilui where there are no snakes etc.

Yisro: X-tianity and Islam in halacha, entering a church or mosque etc.
Note: Wouldn't suggest entering a mosque even if permitted....

  1. Can you kill someone who is being rodef a treifah?
  2. Does a goy get killed for killing a treifah?Can you be m'chalel Shabbos to save a treifah? Unborn child?
  3. Are you obligated to give up your life not to kill a treifah?
  4. Are you chayov misah for making someone a treifah?
  5. Are heart transplants permitted? Does it make a difference if the "donor" is a treifah?
  6. Does a child who is a treifah exempt his mother from yibum? 
  7. If there is only one lifesaving machine, can you take the treifah off the machine for the person that will live "chayei olam?
  8. Can you have to put the treifah on the machine knowing that it will be needed for someone who is classified as "chayei olam?