Thursday, December 17, 2015

Too Busy

Hard to get my bearings after I spoke with a woman who told me with pain that her grandchildren are "too busy" to call her with any frequency.

One of the illnesses of this generation. "Too busy". 

A fiction. 

Everybody has the same amount of time. We make time for what is important for us. That is why some people are too busy working and have no time to learn while others are too busy learning and have no time to work. Some people never miss a minyan while some others barely make a minyan. Some mothers have all of the time in the world for their children while others are just too busy with various projects. A boy told me that he didn't come to seder because he was watching the premiere of Star Wars. He was indeed too busy. [I saw Star Wars about 40 years ago but BARUCH HASHEM grew out of that nonsense]. 

It is all a matter of PRIORITIES. Anyone who is too busy to make time to call his parents or grandparents must take stock of his value system. You will forgive if I share with you that it makes me personally almost ill when I here of and see children not according the proper respect to their parents and grandparents. And, for that matter, Rabbeim. A Rebbi gives his neshama for his students who then [often] completely forget that the Rebbi exists. 

The medrash says that there is nobody as despised by Hashem as one who is an ingrate. Without a parent and grandparent, one would not have a physical life. Without a Rebbi, he would often be bereft of a spiritual life. Gratitude is the call of the day....