Monday, September 18, 2017

The Lights Of Rosh Hashana

לע"נ אלימלך בן ר' מנחם מנדל מלכיאל 

On Rosh Hashana the world returns on some level to the pure and holy state it was in before the primordial sin. These were the best moments the world has ever seen since creation. But then all of the problems, "klippos" and impurities of our very incomplete world "slap us in the face" and "strict judgment" comes into being because of the great gap of present reality and the yearning of our souls for what was and we can no longer tap into. 

Fortunate are the Tzadikim who are written and inscribed in the book of life and are elevated to the most sweet and pleasant place of beauty from before the sin and are included in the holy world of primordial Man.