Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Double Crack!:-)

Tonight I was enjoying a seuda in memory of the holy neshama of the Bas Ayin

So special.

Anyway, I bit down and CRACK - there went a tooth.

Then a few minutes later - another crack, another tooth. 

I can only say הודו לה' כי טוב. I am certain that nothing better could have happened. It will cost me time and money [which hurts more than the discomfort of the dentist] and that is CLEARLY what my neshama needs. 

What does it say about the בן הרשע? Yes - אף אתה הקהה את שיניו. So that is where I am holding. 

The zchus of the holy tzadik should bring all of Klal Yisrael many yeshuos in gashmiyus and ruchniyus.