Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What A Man Really Wants

G.K. Chesterson once said that when a man knocks on the door of a brothel he is really searching for ... G-d. 

People's souls are hungry. Hungry for the ultimate. For what is unlimited. For what is eternal. For what never ends. For what is real. 

Instead of shooting for the "real thing", they sit and watch sports or go on vacations of scroll down their smartphone for the trillionth time etc. etc. but it never works. People are definitely not happier today than they were 30 years ago before the age of the Internet, cellphone etc. etc. I am not that old but I remember. But still, you can't separate people from their technological drugs, brilliantly designed to enable a person to momentarily forget his existential loneliness.  

When you really want Hashem, nothing else will suffice. Everything else is fake in comparison. 

So let us go for what is real and not for all of the artificial substitutes that might offer temporary relief from our angst but never last.

Put away the phone and other toys for a few minutes and connect to your Divine soul and true will.