Monday, December 25, 2017

Limmud Zchus

I received the following communication about this post:

I wouldn't take one student's hyperbolic, sensationalist line so seriously. People need to write sensational articles so they write these stupid things. That's also part of the goyish culture. I have been going to YU every day for the past 7 years and I have never felt I was in a "hook up culture". That being said not everyone here is kadosh vetahor like anywhere else. There is a wide range of frumkeit among the student body but I doubt any of the bnei Torah feel they are in a "hook up culture" environment. Not to deny YU has plenty of issues they need to fix in terms of the ruchniyus but . lemayseh it's not a goyish college dorm Baruch Hashem. 

I prefer to be melamed zchus.